Get Involved

We are happy that you are interested in getting involved. See below for some information.

Join our mailing list to get updates about the MITC Big Data Science programs and get notified of future opportunities or events.

How can I get involved as a future partner?

You can submit a proposal for a MIT808 capstone project here

What if I have something more research based that better suits a mini-disseration?

You can submit a proposal for a Mini Dissertation [MIT807] here


Assoc. Prof Vukosi Marivate
Course Co-ordinator
University of Pretoria / @vukosi
Abiodun Modupe
Course Co-ordinator
University of Pretoria
Thapelo Sindane
Web Development Assistant
University of Pretoria
Neo Mokono
Web Development Assistant
University of Pretoria
Fiskani Banda
Web Development Assistant
University of Pretoria
Richard Lastrucci
Web Development Assistant
University of Pretoria