Profiling Volunteering Transactions in South Africa
Lerato Khumisi , Liketso Nthimo
Partner: ems
Year: 2020
Forgood is an online platform that connects volunteers with causes.Volunteering encompasses the dedication of time, goods or money to causes by individuals in or by an organisation. The problem identified was the imbalance of supply (volunteers) and demand (needs posted by causes). Our goal was to understand this problem and ultimately provide a solution.Forgood is an online platform that connects volunteers with causes.Volunteering encompasses the dedication of time, goods or money to causes by individuals in or by an organisation. The problem identified was the imbalance of supply (volunteers) and demand (needs posted by causes). Our goal was to understand this problem and ultimately provide a solution. We zoned in on one aspect of the problem, the search parameters of the website, and concluded that they lacked ""keywords"" as part of their search parameters.This was anticipated to make a significant impact. Using the data generated from the website, we were able to train a Word2Vec NLP model that was used in an app that effectively matched needs to volunteers.