Measuring Impact of Law Research In South African Courts
Moyahabo Rabothata , Arno du Preez
Partner: law
Year: 2022
In this paper the authors investigated the most impactful authors that were cited in court cases using Network Analysis and Topic Modelling. The authors extracted unstructured data in pdf format from Fontes Juris vol 8-10 (pdf) – The Sources of Law Noted in South African Superior Court Cases since 1828. Exploratory Data Analysis(EDA) was carried out to understand and investigate the data. The fields containing authors, judgments and publications are of interest in this dataset to assess the impact of law research in SA courts. Network analysis was applied to model the relationship between judgments and authors of publications cited in court judgements to identify the most impactful authors. Topic modelling was used to group publications into topics to understand the area of law that were cited in court judgments and what the trends of topics are over different periods. A Streamlit application was built as an interactive tool for users to query data and see the associated results.